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COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Languages Cultures and Race

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Charles Toye.Charles Toye, graduate student, languages, cultures, and race, presented “Su espacio propio: heterotopía y feminidad masculina en Los Motivos de Circe, de Lourdes Ortiz.” (“A Space of Her Own: Heterotopia and Masculine Femininity in Lourdes Ortiz’s Circe’s Motives) at the 11th Annual Graduate Student Conference, “Voices of Marginality: Literary and Linguistic Reflections on Cultural Hierarchies in Spain and Latin America,” University of Colorado, Boulder.

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Carmen Lugo-Lugo.
Mary Bloodsworth-Lugo.

Carmen Lugo-Lugo and Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo, professors, languages, cultures, and race, coauthored “The End of the World, Hollywood, and the Endurance of Military Violence: Elysium and World War Z,” and Lugo-Lugo authored “Latinas/os in Hollywood: Contemporary Representations in Black and White,” both in The Myth of Colorblindness: Race and Ethnicity in American Cinema (Palgrave).

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Vilma Navarro-Daniels.Vilma Navarro-Daniels, associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, edited a special volume of Contextos: Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, a peer-reviewed journal by the Metropolitan University of Sciences of Education Press, Santiago, Chile, on  “Approaches to Teaching the Humanities and Cultural Studies Through Latin American and Spanish Theater.”

She also authored the article “Dibujar para subvertir: Cuerpo, género y poder en las crónicas y los diarios gráficos de Marcela Trujillo” (“Drawing to Subvert: Body, Gender, and Power in Marcela Trujillo’s Chronicles and Graphic Diaries”) in Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos published by the Canadian Association of Hispanists; and she authored the chapter, “De himno y elegía: La Guerra, de Gabriela Mistral, y Mientras los Hombres Mueren, de Carmen Conde” (“On Hymn and Elegy: The War, by Gabriela Mistral, and While Men Die, by Carmen Conde”), in Spanish Civil War Poetry: A Comparative Approach (Peter Lang Publishing).

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Vilma Navarro-Daniels.Vilma Navarro-Daniels, associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, authored “Dibujar para subvertir: Cuerpo, género y poder en las crónicas y los diarios gráficos de Marcela Trujillo” (“Drawing to Subvert: Body, Gender, and Power in Marcela Trujillo’s Chronicles and Graphic Diaries”) in Revista Canadiense de Estudio Hispanicos.

Languages, Cultures, and Race

John Streamas.John Streamas, associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, authored the chapter “East by Northwest: Preserving Pacific War Memory at Hanford and Minidoka” in Dark Tourism in the American West (Palgrave Macmillan); and the article “A Vision for Scholar-Activists of Color” in Journal of Academic Freedom.

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Maria Serenella Previto.Maria Serenella Previto, clinical associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, presented “Contrapunto caribeño: Raza e identidad nacional en “Pollito Chicken” y “La llamaban Aurora”” (“Caribbean Counterpoint: Race and National Identity in “Pollito Chicken” and “La llamaban Aurora””) at the 29th International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the Universitat de València, Spain.