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Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies

Linda HeidenreichLinda Heidenreich, associate professor, critical culture, gender, and race studies, was elected to the board of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies. Heidenreich also delivered the invited plenary address “Nepantlan Warriors: Women of the Nineteenth-Century Napa-Sonoma Valleys Who Resisted” at the Summer Institute of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social.

Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies

Jennifer BarclayJenifer Barclay, assistant professor, critical culture, gender, and race studies, authored “Bad Breeders and Monstrosities: Racializing Childlessness and Congenital Disabilities in Slavery and Freedom” in Slavery & Abolition; and the chapter “Differently Abled: Africanisms, Disability, and Power in the Age of Transatlantic Slavery” in Bioarchaeology of Impairment and Disability: Theoretical, Ethnohistorical, and Methodological Perspectives (Springer). She presented “Mother’s Spots and Monstrosities: Congenital Disabilities and Racial Identity in American Medicine, Law and Folklore” at the Berkshire Conference of Women’s Historians at Hofstra University, New York. Barclay also was named associate editor of Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, University of Hawaii.