Geologists at Washington State University, Tri-Cities have been looking into landslides throughout the area and found there could be a possibility of one at Badger Mountain.

Stephen Reidel.

Stephen Reidel and Karl Fecht have been following the landslide activity for almost 40 years.

The two have been following the landslide on Rattlesnake Ridge for over a year now and that slide is still moving at just over a half a foot each week.

“These ridges are giant fault zones rocks have been broken up as the ridge grew,” Reidel said.

But both say there may be a possibility of a landslide in the Tri-cities at Badger Mountain due to it’s history.

They said that over 10,000 years ago landslides did happen on the mountain as the Earth shifted and glacier ice accumulated.

With houses being developed on the mountain and the increase in water supply, a chance of a landslide is more likely.

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