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The Ancient Art of Raising Turkeys

Across America, families are likely squirreling away turkeys into chest freezers for Thanksgiving. But earlier this month, Butterball CEO Jay Jandrain warned of a potential shortage of small birds during the holiday season. This threatens the long tradition of Thanksgiving turkey, which has nebulous origins in early colonial New England. Yet Indigenous people’s relationship with the ubiquitous bird goes back more than two thousand years.

William Lipe.

“I can visualize the blanket-maker calming a familiar household-raised turkey so it could be held in that person’s lap while some of its mature body feathers were carefully and painlessly removed for use in the blanket,” William Lipe, a Southwestern archaeologist and professor emeritus at Washington State University, says.

After the great migration, the Pueblo people relied less on turkeys for sustenance. Their new territory once again offered plentiful big game to hunt. Still, some traditions lived on. Today, you can hear turkey gobbles in many New Mexican Pueblos.

The Reason Restaurateur Is ‘Missing’ a Letter

Paul Brians.

The English language can be very confusing, and this is especially true when it comes to using (or misusing) words or phrases borrowed from another language. For some reason, French loan words seem to give us particular trouble.

For example, former professor of English Paul Brians of Washington State University points out, the word “amateur” is often misspelled as “amature.” Yet another common error listed on the professor’s website is made by those who confuse the terms “protégé” and “prodigy.” The former is someone you’ve taken under your wing, but the latter is someone extraordinary, and only in rare instances are they likely to be one and the same.

As anyone who browses online recipes and tutorials is probably aware, there are more than a few people who seem to be under the impression that “voilà” should be spelled “wallah.” (As per Brians’ site, the word “wallah” is actually Hindi for “worker.”) One understandably misspelled word from the food world describes somebody who owns or operates a restaurant. That word is obviously “restauranteur,” right? Well yes, it would be, were “restauranteur” an actual word, but it isn’t. The word you really want is “restaurateur,” spelled without an “n.”

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What could you eat 400 years ago in the Pacific Northwest?

Today it’s all about Cosmic Crisp apples, winter wheat and wine grapes, but 400 years ago Washington state’s food environment looked a lot different.

The mechanized system of food production has churned over recent centuries, but when the land was occupied only by Indigenous people whose ties to the land had deep roots, the Pacific Northwest served an abundance of helpful herbs, fragrant flowers, fat-rich fish and vital vegetables that could easily make a feast.

Shannon Tushingham.

Other fish like sturgeon, lamprey eels, suckers and various species of traits also helped sustain these communities. Diets for people in the Northwest also included a fat-rich fish called eulachon, found in the rivers, Washington State University anthropology researcher Shannon Tushingham told WSU Insider earlier this year.

Molly Carney.

WSU archaeology researcher Molly Carney studied how often Indigenous tribes used camas root and found the onionlike bulbs were a critical part of the cuisine, according to a WSU News article this year.

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Seattle Times

Ask Dr. Universe: Why do we find bones in rock?

When humans want to look into the past, they often dig into the ground. Under the soil, archeologists can find all kinds of things that help us learn about life long ago.

Rachel Horowitz.

That’s what I found out from my friend Rachel Horowitz, an archaeologist at Washington State University who is very curious about the lives of our human ancestors.

Let’s say a human ancestor passed away and was buried at the edge of a lake. Layer after layer, the soil, pebbles, sand and other earth materials start piling up on top of the burial site.

Some of the fossils that have taught us about the past were bones belonging to a human ancestor that archeologists named Ardipithecus ramiduOr Ardi, for short

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Ask Dr. Universe

Tribal connection inspires efforts to save salmon

Studying toxic runoff to help save iconic salmon species, Washington State University scholar Stephanie Blair draws on science as well as the knowledge and connections of her Native American community.

Stephanie Blair.

A doctoral student in WSU’s School of the Environment, Blair researches the toxicology underlying urban runoff mortality syndrome—a condition that kills coho salmon when they return to urban creeks to spawn. Based at the WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Blair and colleagues are racing to understand the syndrome and develop green infrastructure that can protect fish from toxic chemicals.

“We’re taught to think seven generations ahead, about people we won’t see in our lifetime,” Blair said. “Having experienced what happened to my family when salmon are gone, I want my daughter to be able to continue the traditions of her family.”

November is Native American Heritage Month. Blair urges others to take time during the month to consider the legacy of colonialism.

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WSU Insider