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WSU Tri-Cities researchers use fungi to replace chemical fertilizers

A team at WSU Tri-Cities is researching a type of fungus that could replace chemical fertilizers in crops.

KC Cifizzari.
Tanya Cheeke.

The team is working to see if applying inoculants that contain arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can help plants absorb light and water, said KC Cifizzari, biology graduate student. The team wants to reduce fertilizer use and provide alternative management strategies.

Using the fungi would not require growers to fertilize their crops every year, said Tanya Cheeke, assistant professor in WSU’s School of Biological Sciences. Once the fungi are added it would serve as a biofertilizer for the plants.

“One of the things about these fungi is that once you add them to the soil, as long as they’re not killed in some way, they are generally self-propagating,” Cifizzari said.

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Daily Evergreen

Beavers may help amphibians threatened by climate change

The recovery of beavers may have beneficial consequences for amphibians because beaver dams can create the unique habitats that amphibians need.

That finding was reported by four WSU Vancouver scientists in a paper published in the journal Freshwater Biology. The research took place in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest of the Cascade Range, where the researchers identified 49 study sites either with or without beaver dams. The researchers found the beaver-dammed sites were 2.7 times higher in amphibian species richness than the undammed sites.

Kevan Moffet.
Jonah Piovia-Scott.

“Beaver-dammed wetlands support more of the amphibian species that need a long time to develop in water as larvae before they are able to live on land as adults,” said Jonah Piovia-Scott, assistant professor in the School of Biological Sciences and one of the authors of the article.

In addition to Piovia-Scott, the authors of the study are Kevan Moffett, assistant professor in the School of the Environment; John Romansic, former postdoctoral scholar in the School of Biological Sciences; and Nicolette Nelson, former graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences.

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WSU Insider

Science Daily

Weed-Killer Causes Epigenetic Changes That May Predict Disease Risk

Glyphosate is a common weed-killing chemical used in agriculture, and it may be best known as the active ingredient in Roundup herbicides. It’s estimated that as many as 90 percent of corn and 94 percent of soybean crops have been genetically engineered to tolerate the herbicide. Its safety has been the subject of fierce debate for many years, and while studies have indicated that it poses no threat to human health, other research has suggested that it may increase the risk of cancer.

Michael Skinner.

“While we can’t fix what’s wrong in the individual who is exposed, we can potentially use this to diagnose if someone has a higher chance of getting kidney or prostate disease later in life, and then prescribe a therapeutic or lifestyle change to help mitigate or prevent the disease,” said corresponding study author Michael Skinner, a professor of biological sciences at Washington State University. Previous work by the Skinner lab has suggested that glyphosate causes heritable epigenetic changes.

“We need to change how we think about toxicology,” Skinner said. “Today worldwide, we only assess direct exposure toxicology; we don’t consider subsequent generational toxicity. We do have some responsibility to our future generations.”

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Lab roots
Gen News

Western Monarch Butterflies Near Extinction with Less than 2,000 Reported in Thanksgiving Count

The state of our planet’s pollinators took a big blow in 2020. The annual Thanksgiving count of Western Monarch butterflies this year by the Xerces Society yielded less than 2,000 individuals, a tragic threshold that has experts worried about the future of the species

Cheryl Schultz.

Cheryl Schultz, an entomologist at Washington State University spoke to Bay Nature about the drastic drop in population.

“We were expecting it to come in low, but not that low,” she said. “If I had to make a guess three months ago, I think we would all have been talking about less than 10,000. But coming in at less than 3,000. That’s…unexpected.”

In particular, migrating populations of the North American Monarch butterfly are hurt by the decline in habitat. As more biodiversity is paved over for the sake of urban development, the North American Monarch is losing more of its habitat, including its overwintering spots in Mexico and California.

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One Green Planet
The Mercury News
Tucson Sentinel

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Football-loving states slow to enact youth concussion laws

States with college teams in strong conferences, in particular the Southeastern Conference (SEC), were among the last to take up regulations on youth concussions, according to a recent study. The study, which investigated the association between youth sport participation and passage of concussion legislation, uncovered the importance of SEC affiliation, and found a similar connection in states with high rates of high school football participation.

Tom Rotolo.
Michael Lengefeld.

Washington State University sociologists Thomas Rotolo and Michael Lengefeld, a recent WSU Ph.D. now at Goucher College, analyzed the wave of youth concussion laws from 2007 to 2014, specifically looking at return-to-play guidelines: a mandated 24-hour wait period before sending a player with a possible concussion back on to the field.

“We explored a lot of different ways of measuring college football presence, and the thing that just kept standing out was SEC membership,” said Rotolo, the lead author on the study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine. “Every college town thinks they have a strong college football presence, but the SEC is a very unique conference.”

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Medical Xpress

U.S. News & World Report