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CAS in the Media Arts and Sciences Media Headlines

Warrior Geronimo inspires WSU book collaboration

Buddy Levy
Buddy Levy

By Kaylee Ray and Kenny Short, WSU News interns

An upcoming book coauthored by Washington State University’s Mike Leach and Buddy Levy about Apache warrior Geronimo will focus on leadership.

Levy, a clinical associate professor who teaches English at WSU, said he originally pitched the idea to his agent who also represents Leach, WSU head football coach. The agent suggested talking to Leach because he knew Leach is fascinated by Geronimo.

Mike Leach
Mike Leach

“It started when my mom would read us books when we were kids, and for some reason I got into Geronimo,” Leach said. “We’d go to the library and grab these historic books about him, and she would read them every night.”

The book, still in the works, will talk about general leadership and problem-solving skills that spill over into all aspects of management and people, Levy said. His strong point is the history, whereas Leach has a profound understanding of leadership, he said.  Continue story →

CAS in the media: December 14, 2012

Distracted driving
Wolves in Washington

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NBC: Distracted emergency drivers cause crashes

Officer driving while using computer

NBC’s Bay Area Investigative Unit found, on average, there is a crash every other day in California, caused by an emergency driver who is distracted.

Bryan Vila
Bryan Vila

The report features Bryan Vila, a professor of criminal justice and a researcher associated with the WSU Sleep and Performance Research Center at WSU Spokane. The study reviewed more than 2.4 million collision reports recorded by the CHP from 2006-2011. Click the following link to see the NBC video report.

Vila and his team have been examining the impact of fatigue and distractions on law enforcement officer driving performance. They also have been comparing collision risks for those who work day shifts with those who work night shifts.

The work is being done under a two-year contract with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST).

The study is part of a continuing line of research related to police officer performance, safety, and health spearheaded by Vila, who heads a simulation laboratory that is designed to mimic police officers’ work environments and is located in WSU Spokane’s Sleep and Performance Research Center.

Maturity enables graduating veteran to adjust, succeed

Vicente Mariscal
Vicente Mariscal

By Joanna Steward, College of Arts and Sciences

Digital technology and culture senior Vicente Mariscal has been selected to carry the College of Arts and Sciences gonfalon during Saturday’s commencement ceremony in Beasley Coliseum.

With more than 10 years of active military service under his belt before he even stepped on campus, Mariscal wasn’t your average college student.

“His sense of humor, along with his amazing work ethic and his determination to work through his war injuries, has made him a role model,” said Kristin Arola, a digital technology professor who nominated Mariscal for the program’s Outstanding Senior of the Year award last spring.

Mariscal served two tours in Iraq with the Army’s 1st Infantry Division and led an infantry squad in numerous high-profile forays. He experienced eight IED (improvised explosive device) or rocket-propelled grenade explosions that left him with migraines and memory loss. » More …