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Strange Theories that Defy Logic but Have Scientific Backing

(A Twitter thread)

5. Negative Mass
Negative mass is a hypothetical type of exotic matter whose mass is of opposite sign to the mass of normal matter. For example, if a normal object has a mass of 5 kg, a negative-mass object would have a mass of -5 kg. Unlike normal matter, negative mass would exhibit strange properties such as the oppositely oriented acceleration for an applied force orientation. This means that if you push an object with negative mass, it accelerates towards you instead of away from you.

In 2017, physicists at Washington State University created a fluid with negative mass in laboratory conditions. They cooled rubidium atoms to just above absolute zero, creating a Bose-Einstein condensate. By using lasers to change the way the atoms spin, they created conditions where the rubidium behaved as if it had negative mass.

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Ask Dr. Universe: Why do we need the sun?

Right now, the sun is shining through my window. It feels warm on my muzzle.

I talked about the sun with Guy Worthey. He’s a professor of astronomy and physics at Washington State University.

He told me that our lives depend on the sun.

“The sun keeps you warm and powers everything,” Worthey said. “Without it, Earth would be a frozen nightmare.”

The sun is a yellow dwarf star. It’s made of super-hot gases. Since it isn’t solid, the part of the sun we call the surface is really its inner atmosphere—called the photosphere. If you could stick a thermometer into the photosphere, it would read 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. But the sun’s outer atmosphere—called the corona—reaches a whopping 3.5 million degrees.

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Ask Dr. Universe

Investigating Spin and Chirality Interactions

Electronic devices known as spintronics employ an electron’s spin rather than its charge to produce an energy-efficient current that is used for computing, data storage, and communication.

Researchers have successfully measured the amount of charge generated in spin-to-charge conversion within a spintronic material at ambient temperature, thanks to a printable organic polymer that prints into chiral configurations. The polymer’s adjustable properties and adaptability make it appealing for use in understanding chirality and spin interactions more broadly, as well as for less costly, environmentally friendly, printed electronic applications.

The study can be found in Nature Materials. Co-first authors are Kyung Sun Park of Urbana-Champaign and Rui Sun of ORaCEL with the support of eight co-authors, including Zhi-Gang Yu of Washington State University.

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AZO Materials

Solar eclipse worth a look

This area won’t have a catbird seat for Saturday’s partial eclipse, but any glimpse is better than none.

The partial solar eclipse that is expected to be visible in this region Saturday morning won’t be the spectacular view that those living in the path of totality from Oregon to Texas will see. But even a partial solar eclipse is worth paying attention to, a Washington State University observational astronomer said.

“Where you are on Earth really changes what you will expect to see in the sky,” said Christopher M. Carroll, who works in the physics and astronomy department on the Pullman campus.

“If you happen to be at the exact right place on Earth, we call this area on Earth’s map the path of totality because the total area of the sun will be blocked out by the moon.

Carroll explained that a solar eclipse happens because the moon’s distance from the Earth makes it appear to be the same size in the sky as the sun.

“Because of the position of the moon and because the moon is a solid object,” he said, “we can see it more clearly. The sun is a ball of plasma, really hot gas, and doesn’t have such a defined surface. So when you put these things in the sky, the moon we see actually can be about the same size as the sun.

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The Lewiston Tribune

Dr. Universe: How do we know there are other planets?

I looked through a high-power telescope for the first time in college. I couldn’t believe how many stars I saw. It’s hard to imagine all the planets orbiting all those stars.

I talked about how we know those planets are out there with my friend Jose Vazquez. He’s an astronomer at Washington State University.

He told me that scientists look for planets outside our solar system using a number of instruments—like a photometer. That’s a tool that attaches to a telescope and measures light.

The sun and eight major planets make up our solar system. All the planets outside our solar system are called extrasolar planets or exoplanets. Some of them are called hot Jupiters. Exoplanets orbit other stars—just like we orbit the sun.

The closest exoplanet is nearly 25 trillion miles away. Scientists can’t point a telescope and look directly at a planet that distant. They can’t send a rover that far. Instead, they look for clues that a planet is there.

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Ask Dr. Universe