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WSU students named finalists in NFL data competition

Namrata Ray.
Jugal Marfatia.

If you’ve never watched American football, it can look like organized chaos. But for Washington State University graduate students Jugal Marfatia and Namrata Ray, looking at data snapshots of plays allowed them to find hidden data inside the chaos. That eventually lead the duo to a trip to Indianapolis later this month for the NFL’s Scouting Combine.

Marfatia, a Ph.D. student in economics and master’s student in statistics at WSU, and Ray, a Ph.D. student in sociology, entered the NFL’s 2020 Big Data Bowl competition to answer a question: when a running back takes a handoff, how many yards should we expect him to gain?

The WSU team were named among six finalists in the collegiate event, earning a trip to the combine.

“We’ll get to meet with coaches and league officials to talk about what we found when breaking down all the data,” Marfatia said.

The NFL posted the contest on Kaggle, an online community of data scientists, and over 2,000 people competed.

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Daily Fly


Pot and paranoia: Why weed can make you anxious

Someone’s watching you. Or are they? Is your neighbor taking the trash out or trying to get a glimpse in your open door? And is the mail carrier just dropping off bills and letters, or are they snooping into your private correspondence?

While cannabis is supposed to help you chill out, loosen up, and sleep really well, it can also make some consumers anxious and nervous. Many people use marijuana every day without negative effects, and some even experience some mental and physical health benefits, but in some cases it can make others certain someone is after them.

Carrie Cuttler.

“Yes there is evidence that cannabis, particularly acute cannabis intoxication, can cause paranoia,” said Dr. Carrie Cuttler, an assistant professor in the psychology department at Washington State University.

“In a recent (unpublished) study of college students we found that approximately 50% reported experiencing paranoia at least once when intoxicated on cannabis and that they reported experiencing paranoia on approximately 25% of cannabis use sessions,” she wrote in an email.

While researchers still aren’t exactly clear on how marijuana causes paranoia, it appears to be related to THC’s effect on receptors in the brain and is – literally – all in your head.

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The Spokesman Review

Ask Dr. Universe: Where does the universe end?

When you look up at the night sky, it can feel like the universe is a big blanket of stars above you. But unlike a blanket, the universe doesn’t have corners and edges. Far beyond what humans can see, the universe keeps going. As far as humans know, it never stops.

Michael Allen.

When I saw your question, I went straight to my friend Michael Allen, senior instructor of physics and astronomy at Washington State University.

The universe is bigger than the biggest thing you’ve ever seen. It’s bigger than the biggest thing this cat can imagine. It’s so big that even your question has more than one very big answer.

Allen explained that you can think of the universe kind of like a rubber band. If you look at a rubber band’s flat surface, you can see it has no beginning and no end. It keeps going around and around in a loop.

Imagine you drew dots on that rubber band. If you pull on the rubber band, what happens? The rubber band stretches, and the dots move further apart. The universe is like that. The distance between all its galaxies, planets, and stars is stretching all the time, like dots on a rubber band. It never ends, but it’s also constantly expanding.

Scientists don’t think there is a true edge of the universe. But there’s an end to what humans can see of the universe. This is called the edge of the observable universe. It’s the farthest we can see, based on how we get information from light.

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Dr. Universe

Ask Dr. Universe: Why are bears called bears when they can be called anything else, not just a bear?

You’ve noticed something very important: there’s no natural reason for the words humans use. Any sound could be used to describe a big mammal that eats berries and salmon.

But people who speak English choose “bear.” People who speak Spanish use “oso.” People who speak Maricopa say “maxwet.” They’re all different, but they’re all correct.

Lynn Gordon.

That’s what I learned from my friend Lynn Gordon, an associate professor emeritus of linguistics in the English department at Washington State University.

“Why do we call bears ‘bears’?” she said. “Because we’ve agreed to.”

Humans have a unique knack for speech. They talk about things in the past or future. They make up new words. They even say things they’ve never said before (like you did with your excellent question).

To be understood, speakers of a language agree about its rules. This happens very early, when a baby is first learning to talk.

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Dr. Universe

WSU experts explain the origins of the Leap Year

While regarded as one of the world’s most powerful and influential historical figures, Julius Caesar wasn’t an expert on math or the stars above.

With 2020 being a Leap Year—a once-every-four-years manifestation created to deal with our imprecise notion of a year being 365 days—WSU experts looked back on the development of the modern calendar to demonstrate just how far humanity has come in its quest.

Michael Allen.

Ancient civilizations depended on the cosmos above to guide their decisions, said Michael Allen, a senior instructor in physics and astronomy at WSU.

The need to be prepared for changing seasons and related weather events led to the development of the first calendars, which typically were either solar or lunar-based. Ancient Greeks made a tremendous breakthrough some 2,500 years ago when they calculated the length of a year at 365.25 days.

Nikolaus Overtoom.

Meanwhile, during the Roman Republic, the development of the calendar was a process fraught with upheaval, said Nikolaus Overtoom, a clinical assistant professor in Ancient History at WSU.

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