Eastlick Legacy

Enriching lives

Herb Eastlick joined the WSU faculty in 1940 and over the course of his 33 year career, he advised over 1,500 students, taught countless more, and saw hundreds successfully enroll in medical and dental schools across the nation. He served as chair of the former Department of Zoology from 1947 to 1964.

He was respected for his research on the origin of pigment cells in vertebrates, development of muscle tendon, fat bodies and host-graft reaction.

Herb Eastlick

When Herb retired in 1973, a group of former students began the Eastlick Distinguished Professorship fund to support outstanding research scientists and professors and to keep Herb’s legacy active on campus.

Six years later, the University honored with the naming of the new Eastlick Hall.

Peg Eastlick, his wife, was also a large part of the Cougar family. She taught bacteriology and pathology, and oversaw the operations of several laboratories.

Herb passed away in June 2002 and Peg in 2004. Generous gifts from their estate established the undergraduate and graduate scholarship funds.

Support future health professionals

Your support helps WSU continue to offer the high quality education Herb and Peg Eastlick personified during their tenure at WSU.

Eastlick Scholarship

Supports undergraduates who intend to apply to medical, dental, or veterinary school.

Eastlick Professorship

Provides an outstanding faculty member with additional resources and helps us retain the best and brightest faculty at WSU. Future increases in the endowment will provide an opportunity to create an annual Eastlick Alumni Award and distinguished lecture program.

Eastlick Graduate Fellowship

Further enhances the research endeavours of the Eastlick Professor by providing financial support for one or more graduate students.

Thank you!

Your contributions truly do make a difference.