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CAS in the Media Arts and Sciences Media Headlines

Getting explicit with math

Photo credit Geoff Crimmins/Moscow-Pullman Daily News
Photo credit Geoff Crimmins/Moscow-Pullman Daily News
A seminar offered this summer at WSU gives rural teachers opportunities to learn in-depth and engaging methods of teaching mathematical reasoning. The three-week course focuses on geometric reasoning and is just one part of a project titled Making Mathematics Reasoning Explicit, begun two years ago and based on a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Math and Science Partnership. Read more about MMRE

No biological legacy

John Bishop
John Bishop

From Washington State Magazine:

“No biological legacy.”

The phrase John Bishop uses to describe the effect of Mount St. Helens’s eruption on the main blast zone, the pumice plain, holds an understated charm. By now, everyone has heard the story of Mount St. Helens-how it blew on a Sunday morning in May 1980, after rumbling for weeks, an earthquake triggering an enormous landslide, hot gas and rock debris blasting across the landscape at 1,100 kilometers an hour, devastating 60 square kilometers and killing 60 people. But it is impossible to accept the immensity of the mountain and the eruption’s legacy, unless you are able to stand beneath the enormous crater on the pumice plain-and hear Bishop, an ecologist at Washington State University at Vancouver, talk about lupines.

No biological legacy. Trees, birds, elk, bacteria, spring flowers, humans-all simply vaporized. A whole region was completely sterilized.

Read more about lupine seeds

Researchers: Sterilizing Mars spacecraft is largely a waste of money

School of the Environment’s Dirk Schulze-Makuch and a colleague suggest lifting unnecessary and expensive environmental restrictions — on Mars.
Rethinking: read the article at WSU News

UPDATE – It’s OK, Infect Mars With Our Germs
Read the related story at Discovery News

UPDATE – Is NASA Being Too Protective of Mars?
Writing in Nature Geoscience, Alberto Fairén, of Cornell University’s department of astronomy, and Dirk Schulze-Makuch, of Washington State University’s School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, argue that this “planetary protection”—beyond what’s … Read the related story at IEEE Spectrum