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CAS in the Media Arts and Sciences Media Headlines

‘Background Briefing’: Huckabee Panders to Christian Zionists

Matthew Sutton
Matthew Sutton

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee recently invoked the holocaust in criticizing President Obama’s deal with Iran, saying that Obama “will take Israelis and march them to the doors of the ovens.” On the radio program Background Briefing hosted by Ian Masters, Matthew Sutton, professor of history at WSU and author of American Apocalypse: A History of Modern Evangelicalism, discussed Huckabee’s attempt to appeal to Christian Zionists who love Israel because it is central to bringing about the rapture and the end of times according to their interpretation of the Bible’s Book of Revelation. » More …

Without Release of Video, Police Shooting of White Driver Gets Less Publicity

David Leonard
David Leonard

The shooting death of Zachary Hammond by police in Seneca, S.C., has not received as much attention as some recent officer-involved shooting deaths of African-Americans. His family’s attorney contends that the reason most people have never heard of Mr. Hammond is because he was white. » More …