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CAS in the Media Arts and Sciences Media Headlines

Dark Money Dominates Political Ad Spending

Travis Ridout
Travis Ridout

Groups that don’t have to disclose their donors have accounted for almost two-thirds of political ad spending this cycle. The so-called dark money groups—social welfare organizations, associations and others—which aren’t required to reveal the interests behind them, have put up more than $213 million on political ads since the start of 2015. The groups have promoted their views on everything from climate change to health-care policy to immigration. » More …

Connections in the Chaos

Craig Parks
Craig Parks

In this unprecedented age of connectivity, we’ve gained virtually limitless access to people, ideas and information regardless of geography. Humans have never been more interconnected than now. Ironically, we’ve also never been more socially isolated. » More …

Oregon standoff: Bundy-style land management has been tried and rejected

Lawrence Hatter
Lawrence Hatter

By Lawrence Hatter, WSU assistant professor of history

A long-running dispute over land use in Oregon escalated into the armed occupation of the federal Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by a “militia” led by the rancher Ammon Bundy on Jan. 2. Bundy and his followers dispute the constitutional right of the U.S. government to manage public lands in Oregon, which was also the cause of a standoff between Ammon’s father, Cliven, and federal officials in southern Nevada in 2014. » More …

Political ad experts weigh in: is Donald’s new spot a campaign trump card?

Travis Ridout
Travis Ridout

Candidates running for office in 2016 are expected to spend a record amount of money on political advertising.

Last year, Wells Fargo Securities reported that an estimated $6bn was going to be spent on political ads in 2016, up 16% from the 2012 campaign season. Billionaire candidate Donald Trump’s new commercial is one of the first of the year, and also the first released by the Republican frontrunner. » More …