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Tabitha Espina Velasco.Tabitha Espina, doctoral candidate, English, presented “​Toward Decolonial Oceanic Futures: (Re)mapping Settler Relations through Island/Indigenous Feminisms in Guåhan and Hawai’i” at the American Studies Association National Conference at the University of Hawai’i-Manoa, Honolulu. She also coordinated and moderated the roundtable, “Visions of the Past, Present, and Future with the Filipino American Community in Yakima,” at the Filipino Community Hall in Wapato, Wash., as part of her Humanities Washington Graduate Fellowship and sponsored by Humanities Washington, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Center for Washington Cultural Traditions.

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Maria Serenella Previto.Maria Serenella Previto, clinical associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, presented “Contrapunto caribeño: Raza e identidad nacional en “Pollito Chicken” y “La llamaban Aurora”” (“Caribbean Counterpoint: Race and National Identity in “Pollito Chicken” and “La llamaban Aurora””) at the 29th International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the Universitat de València, Spain.

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Vilma Navarro-Daniels.Vilma Navarro-Daniels, associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, presented “La Guerra, de Gabriela Mistral: Un himno al retorno a los orígenes” (“The War, by Gabriela Mistral: A Hymn to the Return to Origins”) at the 29th International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the Universitat de València, Spain. She also authored “Yo, Maldita India, de Jerónimo López Mozo: Una deconstrucción teatral del discurso histórico” (“Jerónimo López Mozo’s Yo, Maldita India: A Theatrical Deconstruction of Historiography”) in Contextos. Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, published by Metropolitan University of Sciences of Education Press, Santiago, Chile.


Don Dillman.Don A. Dillman, Regents professor, sociology, presented the 2019 M.E. John Distinguished Lecture, “How Web-Push surveys have revolutionized data collection throughout the world,” at Pennsylvania State University in State College. He also presented “Web-Push Surveys; Origins, Uses and Unsolved Challenges” at the University of Maryland/University of Michigan’s 2019 Joint Program for Survey Methods in College Park, Maryland.

In addition, Dillman presented an invited short course, “The World-wide Challenge of Developing Effective Web-Push Survey Methods,” at the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in Toronto, Canada.