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COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Languages Cultures and Race

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Vilma Navarro-Daniels.Vilma Navarro-Daniels, associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, presented “La Guerra, de Gabriela Mistral: Un himno al retorno a los orígenes” (“The War, by Gabriela Mistral: A Hymn to the Return to Origins”) at the 29th International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the Universitat de València, Spain. She also authored “Yo, Maldita India, de Jerónimo López Mozo: Una deconstrucción teatral del discurso histórico” (“Jerónimo López Mozo’s Yo, Maldita India: A Theatrical Deconstruction of Historiography”) in Contextos. Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, published by Metropolitan University of Sciences of Education Press, Santiago, Chile.

Languages, Cultures, and Race

John Streamas.John Streamas, associate professor, languages, cultures, and race, authored three book chapters: “A Mottled Minority” in Narratives of Marginalized Identities in Higher Education (Northwestern University Press); and “How We Lost Our Academic Freedom: Difference and the Teaching of Ethnic and Gender Studies” in Teaching with Tension: Race, Resistance, and Reality in the Classroom (Routledge); and “Not Same, Not Different: Counting Temporalities in Peter Malekin’s Alchemy of Time and Ruth Ozeki’s Time Being” in Time, Consciousness, and Writing: Peter Malekin Illuminating the Divine Darkness (Brill Rodopi).

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Veronica Sandoval.Veronica Sandoval, doctoral candidate, languages, cultures, and race, was keynote speaker at the annual Children of Aztlan Seeking Higher Education (CASHE) conference whose theme was “You are the ripple that causes the movement.” She also was awarded the Arnold and Julia Greenwell Scholarship for Social Sciences and Humanities from the Graduate School at WSU and received the Chicana Caucus Student Scholarship at the 45th Annual Meeting of National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies. Sandoval authored “Immigration, Surveillance, and Unaccompanied Minors in the Rio Grande Valley: Nepantla Praxis in the Works of Borderland Artist Celeste De Luna” in 2018 El Mundo Zurdo 6 (Aunt Lute Press).

Languages, Cultures, and Race

Nicholas D. Krebs.Nicholas D. Krebs, doctoral candidate, languages, cultures, and race, participated in the annual meeting of American Studies Association in Atlanta as a discussant representing graduate student interests on two panels: “No Ban, No Paywall, Open Access For All: The Ethics of Open Access Publishing” and “Academic Labor, Austerity, and Authoritarianism.” He also organized the panel “Generational Gifts: A Convivial Celebration of Mentoring, Scholarship, and the Future of American Studies.”