Mali Expert
- The World Tonight
BBC Radio interview with Peter Chilson, professor of English and author of a new e-book on the Mali conflict (Chilson begins at 16:32 in the broadcast) - The Leonard Lopate Show: Mali and Other Recent Military Interventions in Africa
WNYC radio interview with Peter Chilson
Big Band Music
- WSU Recording’s big band album, Zoot Suit, earns favorable review
All About Jazz / featuring Greg Yasinitsky, Regents Professor and director of the School of Music and conductor of the WSU Jazz Big Band.
College Culture
- Preventing the Rise of Pothead U
The Chronicle of Higher Education / featuring David Leonard, associate professor and chair of the Department of Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies
Drowsy Driving
- Study finds 1 in 24 Admit Nodding Off While Driving
CBS 21 New York / featuring Gregory Belenky, director of Washington State University’s Sleep and Performance Research Center in Spokane
This story was also picked up by the Spokesman Review, Huffington Post, French Tribune, Public Safety Communications, and news outlets from Canada to Corpus Christi.
These links are provided for your information only. The College of Arts and Sciences makes no claims or warranties regarding the accuracy of information or validity of opinions offered on third-party websites.