Cliff Berkman with students in the lab.

Welcome to Arts and Sciences

The WSU College of Arts and Sciences is audaciously open-minded and boldly curious. We challenge our students and ourselves to discover, to create, to educate, and to change the world.

From the cellular view in zoology to the worldwide lens of art history, the College of Arts and Sciences encompasses a wide array of educational, creative, scholarly, and research activity. Through core academic classes and our diverse degree programs, we guide WSU undergraduate students as they develop critical thinking skills, participate in hands-on learning experiences, and acquire life skills that will help them achieve success both in their careers and in their communities.

Our graduate students are part of the next generation of innovators in education, business, research, and government. Rigorous and intensive training enhances their disciplinary expertise and prepares them to take on leadership roles across the state and around the world.

The faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences are expert practitioners who have a passion for excellence and education. The depth of their scholarly and educational activities is astonishing: professional society fellows, international cultural experts, presidential appointees, cutting-edge scientists, Fulbright scholars, award-winning authors—the list goes on and on. They are the reason WSU students receive high-quality instruction and mentoring.

Our staff in the College of Arts and Sciences is exceptional as well. Their dedication to our students is matched only by their dedication to facilitating smooth operations across four campuses.

Explore the college website to learn more about CAS opportunities, visit our academic unit webpages, learn more about the scholarly activities and research under way across the campus, discover the many ways to get involved. Better yet, come to Pullman for a campus visit, and we’ll show you the world-class opportunities available in this “paradise called the Palouse.”

The WSU College of Arts and Sciences: where curiosity leads and futures begin.

By the Numbers

The College of Arts and Sciences encompasses:

  • 5 schools
  • 11 departments
  • 3 programs
  • 16 centers, institutes, and museums

— We offer more than two dozen undergraduate degrees (with more than 70 specialization options) and more than 40 graduate degrees.

— The college provides more than 50% of the educational instruction for the five-campus WSU system and online for WSU Global.

— Our research, scholarly, and creative enterprise includes more than 550 faculty.