Working Together

Successful academic advising is a collaboration between you and your advisors and mentors.

Roles and Responsibilities

As a student, we expect you to . . .As academic advisors, you can expect us to . . .
Engage in the self-reflection needed to answer: “What do I want out of my academic experience at WSU? What are my interests, goals, dreams? Who am I hoping to become?”Help you connect your values, interests, & goals to learning opportunities (e.g., potential UCORE courses, degrees/majors, minors, certificates, co-curricular experiences.
Educate yourself on key department, college, & university rules, requirements, policies, procedures and deadlines by reviewing the WSU catalog.Help you understand key department, college & university rules, requirements, policies, procedures, and critical deadlines.
Meet with your academic advisor each semester. Be prepared and on time or your appointment.Provide clear instructions for making advising appointments.

Provide timely responses to your questions & concerns.
Gather all relevant information, materials, & questions in preparation for your advising ; list of questions.Provide information & guidance on various requirements; check/update of degree requirements; track progress toward degree; review transfer credits; explain how other resources can support your academic success.
Consider how to utilize UCORE courses, electives, & to maximize your undergraduate experience (e.g., research & creative activities, civic engagement, internships, global education, leadership).Help you develop a holistic academic plan to reach your goals.

Connect students with other resources that support their development and academic success.
Be present & fully engaged during advising appointments (i.e., take notes; ) & complete any follow-up work assigned during the appointment.Be present & fully engaged during advising appointments (i.e., take notes; ask questions) & complete any follow-up work generated by the appointment.
Keep a personal record of your progress toward your academic goals (e.g., major requirements; UCORE requirements; graduation requirements).Maintain accurate & confidential records about your academic progress.
Take ownership of your academic decisions, take action, & engage in sustained efforts to reach your academic goals.Empower you to make academic decisions, take action, and engaged in sustained efforts to reach your academic goals.