Travel with Garrison Keillor: the gig of a lifetime

By Becky Phillips, Marketing and Creative Services

Band members were grinning as their raucous beer medley swung its way around the audience seated in the St. Louis Fox Theatre. Polka music flirted and twirled. Fiddle player Richard Kriehn raised his violin to take a solo, but in that moment, his bow slipped and snagged itself on the violin microphone. With four million listeners also tuned in via National Public Radio, crunching and screeching filled the air as Kriehn struggled to pry the bow loose.

“Great…” thought Kriehn, who was on his debut tour with the band. “I just wanted to crawl under a rock at that point.”

After a few embarrassing seconds, the show went on and so too did Kriehn, who travels with Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion” radio road show as a member of the Guy’s All-Star Shoe Band.

Kriehn, a highly accomplished musician, is the academic advisor for the School of Music at Washington State University. He advises all music majors and minors. Continue story →