Tonight: Public invited to reception celebrating $5 million gift for art museum

Jordan D. Schnitzer. Photo by Bob Hubner, WSU Photo Services
Jordan D. Schnitzer. Photo by Bob Hubner, WSU Photo Services

WSU is one giant step closer to having a new Museum of Art on the Pullman campus, thanks to a multimillion dollar contribution by one of the leading arts patrons in the United States.

Jordan D. Schnitzer of Portland, Ore., who owns a vast collection of contemporary fine art prints and who has supported the arts in numerous ways and locations throughout the country, joined WSU President Elson S. Floyd to announce the largest act of private patronage to the arts in the University’s history. The announcement was celebrated amid a new exhibit at the Museum of Art, “Made in U.S.A.: Rosenquist/Ruscha,” which features works from Jordan D. Schnitzer and the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation.

A free, public reception to celebrate Schnitzer and his gift will be at 6-8 p.m. tonight, Oct. 1, in the Museum of Art gallery. Food and beverages will be served.

See the video and learn more about the donation