General Studies major is man with three-part plan

Tyler Langerveld makes post-game announcements at a Cougars men's basketball game in Beasley Coliseum in Pullman.
Tyler Langerveld makes post-game announcements at a Cougars men’s basketball game in Beasley Coliseum in Pullman.

Many college students these days struggle to find their direction in life or a suitable career path.

But that’s never been a problem for WSU General Studies student Tyler Langerveld. In fact, Langerveld, 21, doesn’t have just one career interest—he has three: law enforcement, sports broadcasting, and coaching.

Now in his third year of college, Langerveld volunteers as a reserve deputy for the Whitman County Sheriff’s Department, does public address (PA) announcing for Cougar athletics, helps coach his middle school’s football team, and works one shift a week at the Cougar Country Drive In. While the busy schedule doesn’t leave him with a great deal of free time, Langerveld said he’s grateful he’s been able to get so much real-life experience with his prospective careers, especially sports broadcasting and law enforcement.

“I’ve just been incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to have these two career fields already going, experience them and really get my foot in the door,” he said.

Langerveld, a Pullman resident for 20 years, has been announcing for Cougar athletics since he was a junior in high school. He initially was hired by WSU to announce baseball, but his PA repertoire has expanded. He now announces baseball, swimming, and women’s basketball on a regular basis, while occasionally filling in for Pullman Mayor Glenn Johnson, who announces men’s basketball.

“I grew up listening to him,” Langerveld said of Johnson. “He was the voice you heard at the football games and basketball games. I’d always go home and imitate him when we would play sports out in the backyard.”

In addition to PA announcing, Langerveld said he’s also interested in doing sports play-by-play announcing for radio and television. Growing up, he drew much of his inspiration from WSU sports broadcasters Bob Robertson, Jim Walden, and Bud Nameck.

He also showed an early passion for law enforcement, his father said, recalling that his son rode around on his bicycle, writing fake tickets and putting them on people’s windshields. He would also pretend to pull his father over.

“Tyler’s always been pretty considerate of the law. He’s pretty upright, respects the law. I think it makes sense that he wants to enforce it,” Todd Langerveld said.

Langerveld said he plans to pursue a career as a police officer as soon as he graduates from WSU. With his current gig as a reserve deputy for the Whitman County Sheriff’s Department, he patrols with a partner throughout Whitman County any time he can.

There’s “something about it … just being able to be hands-on with the community all the time,” he said. “I like being able to have a job that kind of throws everything at you.”

Langerveld’s other love, he said, is coaching. Before playing basketball and football in high school, he was quarterback for the Lincoln Middle School football team. He now serves as the current team’s offensive coordinator.

With so many jobs and activities revolving around school, sports, law enforcement, and friends, Langerveld said he’s learned a great deal about time management to continue doing what he loves. “As long as I can, I’ll just do them all, until I can’t anymore—until one of them makes me stop or the opportunity is not there.”

From Moscow-Pullman Daily News (subscription required)