Math tutors in lab coats add to student success

Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) is a free resource for all WSU students
Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) is a free resource for all WSU students

During every one of the 56 hours the WSU Math Learning Center is open each week, anywhere from three to eight tutors roam the large, tabled room dressed in distinctive white lab coats, ready to help anyone with a raised hand or a question.

The center opened quietly 18 months ago and attendance has been on the rise ever since. In fact, student visits more than tripled last semester, rising to a 1,729 weekly average and a grand total of nearly 26,000 student visits over the course of 15 weeks of instruction.

“I think this is one of the most important things WSU has done for undergraduate students in the 25 years I’ve been here,” said Sandy Cooper, associate professor of mathematics and associate chair of the Department of Mathematics.

Learn more about the center and watch the video