March 25, 28: Pullman native returns for vocal concert

Kristofer Barber
Kristofer Barber

An international performer who got his childhood start in Pullman’s Summer Palace and WSU’s opera program will return to share his talent and experience in a concert and master class in late March.

“Coming back to share what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown is very meaningful,” said Kristofer Barber, a singing actor based in Amsterdam who has performed more than 35 roles in the United States and Europe.

He will conduct a free, public master class 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, in Kimbrough Hall B42 and a free, public voice recital at 8 p.m. Friday, March 28, in Bryan Hall. In concert, he will perform works by Handel, Beethoven, Peterson-Berger, Hahn and Hoiby.

“The songs I’ve selected are a very personal reflection of my own musical journey,” Barber said.

Find out more about his journey and events in Pullman