For WSU graduate, a photo op five years in the making

Almost there! 2014 Arts and Sciences undergraduates lining up for Commencement.
Arts and Sciences seniors line up for 2014 Commencement.

What got Freddy Reyes through the past five years was a mental image of himself wearing a cap and gown.

Like many college freshmen, the digital technology major had never been out on his own before coming to WSU in 2009. He had hopes of a better life, but sometimes wondered if he’d ever get there. There were times when he was homesick and thought about quitting, times when he considered postponing his college dream so he could get a job and help his family financially. His own finances were so thin he wasn’t sure he could go on.

But he kept picturing himself wearing that cap and gown on graduation day.

“I learned a lot about myself and what I’m capable of doing,” Reyes said, shortly after attending the last class of his undergraduate career and only days away from walking across the Beasley Coliseum stage. “There were tough times, but I never lost sight of what I came here to do.”

Read more about Reyes in The Lewiston Tribune (subscription required)