WSU biologist finds link between specific chemical exposure and obesity, kidney disease

Michael Skinner portrait
Michael Skinner

WSU biologist Michael Skinner and his research team found that if a rat fetus is exposed to a specific pesticide during the first trimester of pregnancy, the likelihood of kidney disease, ovary disease and obesity in their decendents was elevated for three generations. Multiple diseases were even more prevalent in the third generation than in the second. The widely used chemical, Methoxychlor, once considered a safer alternative to DDT, was banned in the U.S. in 2003 for a host of human health reasons. The research points to a negative effect decades after exposure. In other words, the great-great-grandchildren of a woman exposed to Methoxychlor may still suffer the consequences.

Read more about the epigenetic connection in



WSU News

Research results published in PLOSone

Additional information about Skinner’s research is in the
August 2014 issue of Scientific American
(subscription required)