All lives matter: Pullman eighth-grade class discusses race

Marc Robinson
Marc Robinson

Lincoln Middle School students examine race, riots and privilege in America

Eighth-grade students at Lincoln Middle School asked and answered the tough questions Tuesday when Marc Robinson, WSU instructor of critical culture, gender, and race studies, and students from his Black Freedom Struggle class spoke to them about racial issues.

The visit, which served as a bookend to a yearlong study of race, justice, and injustice in Michael Riley’s class, touched on recent events—like the riots in Baltimore—as well as long-standing attitudes about privilege and what it means.

The students had heard from Pullman police about the same subjects at the beginning of the year.

Riley, who has taught at the middle school for 17 years, said his civics students study and discuss current events and read the paper multiple times per week. This academic year, race has become a large issue.

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