History prof’s religion research explored on air in New Zealand, U.S.

Matthew Sutton
Matthew Sutton

Matthew Avery Sutton, Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor of History at WSU and author of American Apocalypse: A History of Modern Evangelicalism, was featured on public radio programs in two countries in two days: U.S. public radio’s Background Briefing on Sept. 8 and Radio New Zealand’s national Nine To Noon program on Sept. 10.

Background Briefing host Ian Masters talked with Sutton about support from U.S. Evangelicals and politicians for the Kentucky county clerk who defied the Supreme Court by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Listen to Background Briefing online

On Nine To Noon, Sutton talked about American Apocalypse, which follows the stories of early evangelists, the meeting halls, and publications that gave a specific worldview of the Bible, Armageddon, and a second coming of Christ. With backdrops of world wars, the Great Depression, and threats from foreign super powers, the focus on a nihilistic outcome for non-Christians has been sustained among religious conservatives and informs American politics on everything from the U.S. position on the State of Israel to Obama Care and how Russia should be regarded, said the show’s host.

Listen to Radio New Zealand online