Feb. 2, 5, 9: Faculty concerts support scholarships

Music faculty at Washington State University will perform three concerts in the next two weeks that support the School of Music scholarship fund.

Performances in the Faculty Artist Series are free to WSU students with ID and cost $10 general admission and $5 for senior citizens and non-WSU students. Tickets will be available in the lobby 30 minutes before each concert.

Feb. 2: New faculty member Sarah Miller will perform standard solo repertoire on trombone and euphonium at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, in Bryan Hall. She will also present select chamber pieces in collaboration with other WSU faculty.

Feb. 5: “Expressive Music from the Heart of Europe” by Luise Adolphe Le Beau, Max Bruch and Paul Schoenfield will be presented at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5, in Bryan Hall. Faculty performers are Meredith Arksey, violin and viola; Shannon Scott, clarinet; and Karen Savage and Elena Panchenko, piano.

Feb. 9: Works by Bach, Buxtehude, Beethoven, Brahms and Bernstein will be performed in “To Be or Not To Be: From Baroque to Broadway,” by Cantiamo!, the faculty vocal ensemble, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, in Bryan Hall.

Cantiamo! from left to right: Brian Carter, Dean Luethi, Julie Anne Wieck, Sheila Converse and Lori Wiest.
Cantiamo! from left to right: Brian Carter, Dean Luethi, Julie Anne Wieck, Sheila Converse and Lori Wiest.

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