How a joking phrase builds rapport … no kidding

Nancy Bell
Nancy Bell

The phrase “just kidding” is more than a way to escape a failed attempt at humor. Research by Nancy Bell, WSU associate professor of English, and colleagues found the expression serves at least four distinct functions and plays an important role in maintaining relationships.

“Intuitions about how we use language are quite poor, which makes this kind of systematic, empirical inquiry necessary,” Bell said. “Often, as in this study, unexpected and even counterintuitive functions of language are revealed.

“Gaining a better understanding of how people use and interpret phrases like ‘just kidding’ helps inform our understanding of language itself and how human interactions work,” she said. “Our findings can be used for practical applications such as improving professional communication, language instruction and intercultural communication.”

Bell’s team analyzed 1,200 instances of “just kidding” written or spoken by a wide range of people in a wide range of circumstances.

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