Why Hillary Clinton needs Jesus

Matthew Sutton
Matthew Sutton

For years, Clinton has acknowledged her deep and abiding Christian faith. But she has been reluctant to go public with it. When asked about her convictions, she rarely says the word “Jesus.”

Op-ed by Matthew Avery Sutton, Edward R. Meyer distinguished professor of history at WSU

Hillary Clinton needs Jesus. And he may be the key to helping her beat Donald Trump.

For decades, the Republican Party has seemingly held a monopoly on religious devotion. GOP candidates have routinely invoked their supposed faithfulness to bludgeon their seemingly more secular Democratic opponents.

But that is not going to work this time.

For years, Clinton has acknowledged her deep and abiding Christian faith. But she has been reluctant to go public with it. When asked about her convictions, she rarely says the word “Jesus.”

And for good reason. That the GOP selectively quotes the Bible to justify everything from tax policy to health care is asinine. Nevertheless, God plays well with many constituencies.

It is time that Clinton steps up to the pulpit.

She grew up going to a Methodist church. There she developed a strong commitment to the same social gospel that drove the work of Martin Luther King Jr. Her faith, she explains in the rare moments that she will discuss it, has helped fuel her passion for social and economic justice.

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