Heroic law officer, devoted Cougar receives alumni award

After a bomb exploded in a WSU dorm in 1979, student resident advisor Deke Gassett (BA ’80, criminal justice and criminology) organized fundraising for the University police to acquire more protective Kevlar vests. While a drug enforcement agent just eight years later, Gassett himself was protected by a Kevlar vest, saved others’ lives, and won awards for his actions.

For service in his law enforcement career and volunteer community work, and for his unfailing support of all things Cougar, Gregory Michael “Deke” Gassett recently was honored with the WSU Alumni Association Alumni Achievement Award.

While at WSU 1976-80, Gassett volunteered at the WSU/community crisis center, was a mentor in the Whitman County juvenile probation office and earned a state of Washington volunteer award.

His career in law enforcement has included service for the state gambling commission and work for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.

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