WSU professor works with music educators in India

Dean Luethi, associate professor and director of the School of Music, traveled to India in early August to provide education to music teachers.

Dean Luethi.

“They’re eager for western pedagogies,” Luethi said. “They hear western music, they want to perform western music, and they want help to be able to teach it.”

The National Association for Music Education started the Western Music Educators Association (WMEA) in India in 2017. Luethi, who is a member of NAFME’s Council for Choral Education, made his second trip to Delhi this summer to provide educational materials and training to WMEA choral conductors.

During both trips, Luethi was a judge for the All‑Country Festival of Choirs competition and the choir director for the festival’s One‑Voice Choir. He also presented at the WMEA Conference at the International Center in New Delhi.

“These educators are motivated to learn and pass what they’ve learned to their students,” Luethi said. “They’re looking to perform western repertoires and want their choirs to sound like western choirs. I’m lucky I’m in a position to help them do just that.”

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