WSU professor elected to lead international organization for women statisticians

Nairanjan 'Jan' Dasgupta.

Mathematics and statistics professor and director of the data analytics program at Washington State University, Nairanjana “Jan” Dasgupta has been elected president of the international Caucus for Women in Statistics for a one-year term to begin in 2021.

“I feel blessed to be working in a field I love,” Dasgupta said. “Teaching at WSU has always been energizing for me because I thoroughly enjoy the beauty of statistics and mathematics as well as working with students and faculty. I look forward to serving as the 2021 president of the Caucus for Women in Statistics and anticipate a great year.”

Dasgupta is founding director of the Consortium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Education and Research at WSU and is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association, where she has been active in committees focused on career and leadership development.

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