Group honors queer heroes, rewriting Oregon and Washington history with truth

A local group is celebrating 10 years of trailblazers who have helped uplift the LGBTQ+ community in the Pacific Northwest.

“It’s important to tell all of the stories,” said Robin Will, president of the Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (GLAPN). “That old saying that winners write history… If you get into the historical record where you can’t be ignored, then you are a winner.”

Peter Boag.

“I was told early on in my career that this kind of research would end my career,” Washington State University queer historian Peter Boag said.

Boag was named a Queer Hero in 2018.

As other states enact anti-LGBTQ laws in 2021, he noted this reminder: “Some things have changed, and unfortunately some things haven’t.”

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