‘How American politics went crazy,’ WSU professor’s findings and solutions

Stephen Stehr.

“We’ve had budget deficit issues, we’ve had attacks by international terrorists, we’ve had domestic terror, pandemic, school shootings. You could go on and on and on,” Washington State University Professor of Political Science, Steven Stehr, said.

Over the past decade, we’ve seen a major divide among Americans as it relates to politics. Views leaning far down both aisles, public outrage with the government, and hostile social media platforms.

Communities are being divided and it’s not only at the national level, we’re seeing it right here at home, even on the most generic topics.

“Over the last decade or so, I’ve been kind of shocked by what’s going on in our politics, and as someone who studies American politics, I felt a deep need to try and piece together,” Stehr said.

A big challenge, but one he was up for. Through Stehr’s research, he discovered there were several factors that put America in the shoes it’s in today.

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