Inaugural Pullman campus vice chancellor for academic engagement named

Clif Stratton.

Clif Stratton has been named the inaugural WSU Pullman vice chancellor for academic engagement, effective July 16.

As vice chancellor, Stratton will focus on undergraduate education and student success for the flagship campus to promote a seamless approach to student success inside and outside the classroom. In this capacity, he will partner with the academic colleges, the Provost’s office, and Student Affairs to support the needs of Pullman students.

“I am delighted to have Clif join the WSU Pullman Chancellor’s Office,” said Chancellor Elizabeth Chilton. “He will serve as a critical partner as we continue to support the academic success of our students. His collaborative approach to problem-solving, as well as his deep knowledge of undergraduate education, makes Clif an excellent addition to our leadership team.”

Stratton joined WSU in 2010 as a visiting instructor, and currently serves as a career-track associate professor in the Department of History and director of WSU’s system-wide general education program (UCORE). Stratton led the collaborative launch of Core to Career — a cohort-based fellowship program designed to assist faculty in helping students, no matter their intended major, recognize why career readiness is an essential marker of a college graduate, and provide clear correlations between their coursework and career competencies.

“What I love most about WSU faculty and staff is their sincere desire to support students in their academic endeavors,” said Stratton. “Curiosity, collaboration, and sense of belonging are hallmarks of this approach and are what makes WSU a special place. I am more than excited to work with Pullman campus and system partners to foster and grow these efforts in the coming years.”

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