Faculty and student meeting in an office.

Comparative Ethnic Studies Degree Plan

Degree Options

Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Ethnic Studies


  • Comparative Ethnic Studies
  • Popular Culture

Admission to the Major Requirements  

Students may be admitted as Comparative Ethnic Studies majors upon declaring their intent to the department.


*If you are having difficulty accessing this content, please contact Chioma Heim (chioma.a.heim@wsu.edu))

Suggested Classes for First-year Students

  • CES 101: Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Studies
    (does not count toward the CES major requirements but does count as a UCORE and will count toward a minor in CES)
  • CES 201: Foundations of Comparative Ethnic Studies
  • CES 209: Hip Hop Around the Globe
  • CES 260: Race and Racism in US Popular Culture

Suggested Classes for Transfer Students  

  • CES 201: Foundations of Comparative Ethnic Studies
  • CES 301: Race and Global Inequality
  • CES 325: Traveling Cultures: Tourism in Global Perspective
  • CES 440: Global Social Justice

Math Requirement        

  • Any UCORE, most commonly:
  • MATH 105: Exploring Mathematics
  • PHIL 201: Elementary Logic

Core Courses    

  • CES 201: Foundations of Comparative Ethnic Studies
  • CES 301: Race and Global Inequality
  • CES 489: Everyday Struggles for Justice and Equality
  • 9 Credits of the following:
  • CES 446: Racism and Anti-Racism in a Global Context
  • CES 440: Global Social Justice
  • CES 325: Traveling Cultures: Tourism in Global Perspective
  • CES 491: Theories of Racism and Ethnic Conflicts

Program Strengths

  • Central to our consideration of race are the ways class, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, age, and ability shape the human experience.
  • CES courses have an interdisciplinary focus on popular culture, sports, media, and social issues and how they relate to race, class, and gender.
  • CES faculty scholars facilitate understanding of how the social constructions of race impact the social fabric of our historical and contemporary world, and prepare community members to actively and critically engage in their civic responsibilities, especially with respect to social justice.
  • The program brings top scholars and activists to campus to promote engaged understanding.
  • The program’s commitment to undergraduate education provides unique opportunities for students to work closely with faculty on independent studies or special projects.
  • The diverse and flexible curriculum allows students to take an in-depth examination of a particular community or prepare for a specific career.
  • The program offers opportunities for seminars, fieldwork, study abroad, and other experiential learning modes.
  • Each student is assigned a faculty mentor who is a resource for majors who are pursuing graduate degrees, undergraduate research, academic publications, and career exploration within the field.

Career Options 

  • Teaching
  • Social Work
  • Counseling
  • Community Development
  • Nonprofits
  • NGOs
  • Local, state, or federal government
  • Human Resoarces
  • Law School
  • Academia

For more information
