Women’s Studies – Outstanding Senior 2020

Natalia Andrade.Natalia Andrade

Chelan, Washington


  • Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies
  • Major in Comparative Ethnic Studies
  • Minor in Sociology

Awards and Recognition

  • 2020 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Senior in Women’s Studies

Faculty Comments

“Natalia is outstanding in her application of critical analysis to systems of power in U.S. society. She excelled in both the ethnic studies and women’s studies majors, consistently performing in the top 5% of the class. Her term paper stood out for its apt analysis of the work of Emily Danforth as it intersected with gendered critiques of power developed by James Baldwin.” –Dr. Linda Heidenreich

“After taking Feminist Theory, a difficult seminar style course, Natalia wrote to ask for more reading suggestions for the summer, explaining that she wanted to build on the work she did in the seminar.” –Dr. Pamela Thoma

“Although one of the quieter students in the two classes she took from me, Natalia received some of the highest marks. She was also enthusiastic to become an undergraduate teaching assistant.”  –Dr. Marian Sciachitano

Personal Statement

This award is thanks to the powerful women in my life that shaped who I am as a person. To my mother who taught me that if I want something, it is always better to go after it yourself and to not let others dictate my success. To my sister that taught me through independence you can become your own person and with that comes a certain amount of power. To my maternal grandma, whom I never met, but through her experience taught me that women can get things done, despite what our machismo culture says; it can be done without a man. These are the women that fuel the feminist in me and, because of that, this award is for them.

Honored Faculty and Mentors

  • Linda Heidenreich, associate professor, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Carmen Lugo-Lugo, director and professor, School of Languages, Cultures, and Race

Future Plans

Natalia will take the next year to prepare for graduate school, where she hopes to earn a master’s degree followed by a PhD so she can be a professor.