A chemistry student in the lab holding a glass beaker with blue fluid.

Chemistry Degree Plan

Degree Options

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

  • Professional Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry

Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

  • Standard Option
  • Teacher Preparation

Admission to the Major Requirements

Students may be admitted as Chemistry majors upon declaring their intent to the department.

Suggested Classes for First-year Students

  • Chem 105: Principles of Chemistry I
  • Chem 106: Principles of Chemistry II

Suggested Classes for Transfer Students

If transferring in as a junior (two years of CC):

  • One year (3 terms) organic chemistry
  • One year (3 terms) calculus-based physics and multi-variable calculus (equivalent of Math 273)

If transferring in after freshman year (one year of CC):

  • One year (3 terms) of general chemistry
  • At least the equivalent of Math 171

Math Requirement

  • Math 171: Calculus I (BS & BA)
  • Math 172: Calculus II (BS)
  • Math 273: Calculus III (BS)
  • Math 220: Introductory Linear Algebra (BS)

Core Courses BA & BS

  • Chem 105, 106: Principles of Chemistry I & II
  • Chem 220, 222: Quantitative Analysis & Lab
  • Chem 345, 348: Organic Chemistry I, II & Lab
  • Chem 370: Chemical Biology
  • Chem 398: Undergraduate Seminar
  • Chem 485: Senior Thesis in Chemistry

BA Degree Courses

  • Chem 301: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chem 338: Physical Chemistry for Chemical Biology
  • 5 Credits of 300 or 400 level course work from BS Courses
  • Biology 106: Introductory Biology: Organismal Biology
  • Biology 107: Introductory Biology: Cell Biology & Genetics
  • Stat 212: Introduction to Statistical Methods
  • Physics 101/111, 102/112: General Physics I & II

BS Degree Courses

  • Chem 330: Problem Solving in Physical Chemistry
  • Chem 331, 333: Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics & Lab
  • Chem 332, 334: Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics & Lab
  • Chem 347: Organic Qualitative Analysis Laboratory
  • Chem 425, 426: Quantitative Instrumental Analysis & Lab
  • Chem 401: Modern Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chem 410: Advanced Synthesis and Characterization
  • Chem 495: Directed Research
  • Chem 499: Special Problems
  • Biology 102: General Biology
    • OR Biology 106: Introductory Biology: Organismal Biology
    • OR Biology 107: Introductory Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics
  • Physics 201/211, 202/212: Physics for Scientists and Engineers I & II

For more information


Program Strengths

  • Faculty publish their research in journals and attract more than $6 million in external funding each year.
  • Learn from a faculty of recognized scientists who provide opportunities for students to conduct independent research and present work at national meetings. Bachelor of Science Chemistry majors are required to participate in research.
  • WSU’s Chemistry Department is a premier research programs in Nuclear and Radiochemistry.
  • The department has produced several winners of the prestigious national Goldwater Scholarship.
  • Graduates have a high success rate in obtaining employment or being accepted into prestigious graduate and professional schools.
  • The department is nationally known for its excellent undergraduate preparation and state-of-the-art lab facilities.
  • Students can join a math, science, and engineering residence hall and share classes with neighbors, study together, and use the hall’s computer lab.
  • The Chemistry Learning Center is located on the third floor of Troy Hall.

Student Club

Chemistry Club

Career Options

  • Medical professions
  • Science teaching
  • Chemical engineering
  • Industrial research and development
  • Research chemistry
  • Industrial sales, marketing, and technical service
  • Government laboratory chemistry
  • Forensic science
  • Science writing
  • Medical and pharmaceutical sales and research