History students and instructor meet in an office.

History Degree Plan

Degree Options

  • Bachelor of Arts in History
  • General History
  • History Pre-Law
  • History Education
  • Social Studies Education


  • History
  • Modern Asia
  • Modern Global Issues
  • Religious Studies
  • War and Society

Admission to the Major Requirements

Students may be admitted as History majors upon declaring their intent to the department.

Suggested Classes for First-year Students

General History

  • Work on UCORE requirements
  • If interested in a second major, try a UCORE class from that area

History Pre-Law

  • UCORE classes such as Phil 201, EconS 101/102, Pol S 101
  • History/Social Studies Education:
  • UCORE classes such as Hist 120, Pol S 101, EconS 102
  • Begin working on History sequence: Hist 101/102, Hist 110/111

Suggested Classes for Transfer Students

  • Complete UCORE requirements
  • If AA is complete, working on upper-division History courses
  • For teaching certification:
  • T&L 301: Learning and Development
  • Pol S 101: American National Government
  • English 201: Writing and Research
  • Econ S 102: Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
  • Hist 209: Introduction to Social Studies Methods

Math Requirement

Any UCORE, most commonly:

  • Math 105: Exploring Mathematics
  • Fin 223: Personal Finance

Core Courses

  • Hist 300: Writing about History
  • Hist 469: Seminar in History
  • 6 hours of U.S. History
  • 6 hours of European History
  • 9 hours of non-Western/Global History

For more information


Program Strengths

  • Learn from history professors who enhance their professional development through extensive travel, research, and teaching abroad.
  • Faculty members are distinguished for considering teaching as their primary mission.
  • Several history professors have won major teaching awards.
  • Many opportunities for studying abroad
  • The Pre-Law Resource Center helps students prepare a path to law school.
  • Numerous internships are available

Student Clubs

  • History Club
  • Phi Alpha Theta (National Honor Society)
  • Pre-Law Society

Career Options

  • Public history, cultural resource management, park management, interpretation of historical sites
  • Primary and secondary education
  • Information sciences, curator, archivist, librarian
  • Researchers and analysts for intelligence operations, government services
  • Nonprofit management
  • Business management, personnel management, and marketing
  • Law
  • Journalism, technical writing, and editing