Critical Cultures, Gender, and Race Studies

Racial healing begins when blacks, whites talk to each other

“Whites rarely have the opportunity to . . . be held accountable for privilege, and to have important conversations,” David J. Leonard, professor of critical culture, gender, and race studies at WSU, told the website Take Part after the survey by the Public Religion Research Institute came out. “Lacking the language to talk about race and to engage cross-racially […]

‘Basketball IQ’ and the racial coding of the word

Examining the ambiguous yet ubiquitous term By David Leonard, professor and chair, Dept. of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies In our era of analytics, statistics provide a new window into the game. We have statistics for just about everything: player efficiency ratings, Expected Possession Value-Added, win shares, usage rates … but basketball IQ? In […]

On the Washington Post Redskins Poll

By C. Richard King, professor of comparative ethnic studies at WSU and author or editor of more than a dozen books, including Team Spirits: The Native American Mascots Controversy. For many, the key take away of the recent survey conducted by the Washington Post is that the vast majority of American Indians do not take offense […]

WSU professor to study xenophobia in Austria

A Washington State University expert in the racial politics of culture has received a Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award for his new research examining xenophobia in Austria. Richard King, a professor in the Department of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies, will teach cultural studies courses at the University of Graz in Austria next spring […]

Arts and Sciences honors outstanding achievement

Fourteen faculty, six staff and seven graduate students were honored for outstanding achievement at the fourth annual College of Arts and Sciences Appreciation and Recognition Social.

March 22: Celebrate WSU authors at Crimson Reads

The published works of WSU authors will be recognized at the third annual “Crimson Reads: A Celebration of WSU Authors,” at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in the Terrell Library atrium. Crimson Reads is part of WSU Showcase, the annual celebration of faculty, staff and student excellence. Refreshments will be offered during a reception open […]

History reveals the long view of marriage, professor says

By Linda Heidenreich, associate professor, Department of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies In June, upon returning from some much-needed time with family, I caught up with my email only to find a letter from our parish priest denouncing the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision that made same-sex marriage legal. He made two troubling […]

Without Release of Video, Police Shooting of White Driver Gets Less Publicity

The shooting death of Zachary Hammond by police in Seneca, S.C., has not received as much attention as some recent officer-involved shooting deaths of African-Americans. His family’s attorney contends that the reason most people have never heard of Mr. Hammond is because he was white.