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Washington State University
CAS Connect September 2014

Honors and achievements

Members of the College of Arts and Sciences community do excellent work that is recognized across the University and around the world.

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Kimberly BurwickKim Burwick, instructor, English, won the Burnside Review Book Prize for her third poetry collection, Good Night Brother, to be published this fall. Burwick’s poem “For Manoli Pagador in Getafe” was selected as a finalist for the Mississippi Review Prize.

Aurora ClarkAurora Clark, associate professor, chemistry, has been named interim director of the Materials Science and Engineering Program at WSU.

Sue ClarkSue Clark, Regents Professor, chemistry, was elected to the board of directors of the Washington State Academy of Sciences.

Lori Wiest
Rebecca Craft

Rebecca Craft, professor and chair,psychology, and Lori Wiest, professor,music, expanded their duties to include serving as associate deans of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dennis Dehart“Concentrate to the Quiet,” a photography exhibit by Dennis DeHart, assistant professor, fine arts, inaugurated SPOT Photo Works, a new art gallery at Crossroads of the World on Sunset Blvd., a Hollywood, Calif., landmark frequented by film and music titans.

Michael DelahoydeMichael Delahoyde, clinical associate professor, English, presented “Chaucer Hidden in Shakespeare’s History Plays” at the Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference in Portland, Ore. His article “Lyric Poetry from Chaucer to Shakespeare” appeared in the journal Brief Chronicles and will be reprinted in a collection.

Don Dillman

Don A. Dillman, Regents Professor, sociology, with alumniJolene D. Smyth (PhD 2007), and Leah Melani Christian (PhD 2007), authored the book Internet, Phone, Mail and Mixed-Mode Surveys; the Tailored Design Method, 4th ed. Dillman also has been appointed for a three-year term to the Committee on National Statistics for the National Research Council, National Academies of Science and Engineering.

Hao FengTwo papers by Hao Feng, graduate student, sociology, were accepted for publication: “The effect of economic affluence and ecological degradation on Chinese environmental concern: A multilevel analysis,” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences; and “Material Extraction/Consumption and Global Trade: An Empirical Examination for 95 Countries between 1980 and 2009,” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology.

JJ HartyJJ Harty (MFA 2014), instructor, fine arts, is among 22 recipients of the International Sculpture Center’s 2014 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award selected from a field of 374 nominated artists from 6 countries. Harty will participate in the Grounds for Sculpture’s Fall/Winter Exhibition in Hamilton, New Jersey, this fall.

Donna HolmesDonna Holmes, professor, biological sciences, published three articles in the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Human Biology: “Aging and Gerontology” and “Aging: Evolution,” both with A.C. Cohen; and “Sex and gender differences in health, longevity and aging.” Holmes is also 2016 chair-elect of the Biological Sciences Section of the Gerontological Society of America, and was appointed to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the American Aging Association.

Christine HorneChristine Horne, professor, sociology, provided training in social science research methods to managers of a rural electrification program in Bangladesh as part of the WSU Energy Systems Innovation Center’s work with the Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board.

Anthony LopezAnthony Lopez, assistant professor, politics, philosophy, and public affairs, authored “The Hawkish Dove: Evolution and the Logic of Political Behavior” to appear in Millennium: Journal of International Studies.

Kelvin LynnKelvin Lynn was promoted to Regents Professor of Physics.

David NiceDavid Nice, professor, politics, philosophy, and public affairs, coauthored three articles in the forthcoming online edition of Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy: “State and Local Governments and Homeland Security,” “User Fees,” and “Intergovernmental Grants.”

Christine OakleyChristine Oakley, associate clinical professor, sociology, and director, WSU International Programs Global Learning, became president-elect of Alpha Kappa Delta, the National Honor Society for sociology.

Kirk PetersonKirk Peterson, professor, chemistry, and Karen Grant, program director, chemistry, WSU Tri-Cities, were elected as fellows of the American Chemical Society.

Charlie Robbins, School of the Environment

Graduate students Jamie Gehring and Kim Rigano co-authored a paper with Charlie Robbins, professor, biological sciences and environment, that appeared on the cover ofCell Metabolism: “Grizzly Bears Exhibit Augmented Insulin Sensitivity while Obese Prior to a Reversible Insulin Resistance during Hibernation” and drew attention of media including NPR, BBC, The London Times, CNBC, and The Guardian.

John SchreinerJon Schreiner was among six sociology graduate students nationwide invited to participate in the international workshop “Measuring the Diverging Components of Race in Multiracial America” at Texas A&M University this summer. His participation was supported by the American Sociological Association’s Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline.

Elissa SchwartzElissa Schwartz, assistant professor, mathematics andbiological sciences, presented her findings on the 2009 outbreak of the H1N1 virus on the WSU campus at the July 2014 annual meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology in Osaka, Japan. Her research was previously published in the Journal of Biological Systems.

Michael SkinnerMichael Skinner, professor, biological sciences, published three articles over the summer: “DDT, Epigenetic Harm, and Transgenerational Environmental Justice” in Environmental Health, “Environmentally Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance: Ancestral Ghosts in your Genome” in Scientific American and “Pesticide methoxychlor promotes the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease and sperm epimutations through the female germline” in PLOS ONE.

Mark StephanMark Stephan is coauthor of two book chapters in Science and Politics: An A to Z Guide to Issues and Controversies with fellow politics, philosophy, and public affairs associate professors Dana Baker (“Mad Cow Disease and Public Policy: Governance, Risk, and the Politics of Science”) and Paul Thiers, (“Pacific Northwest Dams and the Unintended Consequences of Public Policy”).

Matthew SuttonMatt Sutton, associate professor, history presented a paper at the Danforth Center on Religion and Politics (Washington University St. Louis) titled “God’s Spooks: Religion, the CIA, and the Myth of Church-State Separation,” which will be included in an essay collection tentatively titled Beyond the Culture Wars: Recasting Religion and Politics in the Twentieth Century.

Mandy TownsleyMandy Townsley, doctoral candidate, history, published the article “‘Neither for King Nor Empire’: Irish Remembrance of the Great War in the 1920s” in Remembrance and Solidarity Studies.

Roger WhitsonRoger Whitson, assistant professor, English, delivered the keynote speech “Hybrid Literary Studies: Critical Making, Steampunk, Digital Humanities” for the 2014 Southwest English Symposium in Tempe, Ariz. Whitson also presented “Steampunk, or An Alternate History of Victorian Physical Computing” at the 2014 Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference in Houston, Texas.

Guy WortheyGuy Worthey, associate professor, physics and astronomy, published two papers: “Individual alpha elements, C, N and Ba in early-type galaxies” in Astrophysical Journal and “The LickX spectra” in Astronomy and Astrophysics.