
Sometimes your news and information are more appropriate for a discipline-specific audience. An electronic newsletter is a cost-efficient way to reach colleagues and alumni who share your interests.

CAS Communications provides essential support for the production and distribution of high-quality electronic and print newsletters for communicating effectively with alumni, donors, and friends. We can set up the framework for your unit-specific newsletter and serve as a guide during the content creation process. We also provide proofreading and editing support and facilitate email distribution.

Example newsletters:

Getting started

Identify a content manager within your unit

Experience has shown that units with a designated content manager are more successful with their e-newsletters. Having a single faculty member, staff person, or graduate student who is responsible for collecting, creating, and/or initially editing all of the content keeps the project on track and manageable.

Contact the CAS newsletter coordinator

Email the college communications team at to let us know you are interested in creating a newsletter. We’ll set up the initial framework and can train your content manager.

Plan ahead

The first issue will take the longest and the concept-to-delivery time frame depends on the amount and scope of your content as well as the level of collaboration within your unit. In general, plan on 10–12 weeks to publish your first issue.

Most units publish once or twice per academic year. Your frequency will depend on the amount of time your content manager and others can devote to developing each issue.

Support options

  • Electronic (web/email)
    CAS Communications will work directly with each unit’s designated editor to create, design, and publish up to 2 web-based, electronic newsletters per year and will distribute each newsletter via email to a unit-specific list of alumni, donors, and friends provided by the WSU Foundation. For each issue, individual units are responsible for collecting and uploading their content (text, images, video, etc.) to the newsletter website established by CAS Communications. WordPress training and ongoing support for this task is available.
  • Print (press-ready files for physical print &/or PDF files)
    CAS Communications can also provide limited support for production and distribution of academic units’ print newsletters. For units that host an online newsletter, CAS Communications can design a print version of 4 letter-size pages corresponding to the web version; readers would be directed to additional content online as needed. CAS Communications will coordinate mailing of newsletters we design to unit-specific lists of alumni, donors, and friends provided by the WSU Foundation; individual units will be responsible for printing and postage costs. If a unit desires to create a larger printed newsletter, the unit may arrange for designing, printing, and distribution at their own cost.


Regardless of the process, for quality assurance, CAS Communications should be provided access and adequate time (usually no more than 3 days) to proofread all newsletters before you publish e-newsletter pages, finalize PDFs, or print hard copies of your newsletter for mailing or other distribution.

Questions? Contact the CAS communications team at


How do we email the newsletter to our alumni?

Once your content has been proofread and approved, we’ll work with you to produce an HTML email that matches your design elements and introduces the content to your readers. The email is tested and then distributed via in–house software to an address list provided by the WSU Foundation via CAS Communications. A fresh address list (not more than 30 days old) is required before each send and takes up to 10 business days to obtain.

What are the costs to the unit?

At this time, CAS Communications will cover the costs of template design, HTML email creation, and distribution for up to two issues per year per unit.

Will the unit need any other software?

Photoshop is recommended for resizing photographs and other artwork.