Teaching Observation

Tenure and Promotion Guidelines in the College of Arts and Sciences indicate faculty teaching observations must be included as part of the portfolio submitted for consideration.

Each academic unit is expected to develop a process for conducting teaching observations of all faculty members throughout their career. The college strongly suggests the faculty member’s mentoring committee observe instruction during the first year of appointment so as to assist in rapid progress in instructional proficiency.

At least two classroom visits by departmental faculty during the year of the third year review and during the year before consideration for tenure and promotion are to be included in support of the Teaching Portfolio.

The outcomes of an established teaching observation process include:

  • Developing unit culture that supports growth and professional development for teachers
  • Developing a college-wide culture and environment in which observing other teachers, being observed by other teachers, and talking about teaching is not only acceptable but embraced; and
  • Expanding contacts, plans, personal assistance, collaboration, and mentorship in the area of teaching.


Goals of the Program

— Enhance professional development through mentorship and the opportunity for growth in the area of teaching.

— Provide documentation to support demonstrated effectiveness in teaching.

Spring 2021

Quick Guide for Instructional Resources