Wildlife ecology senior to carry CAS gonfalon

Lola Taylor.

The honor of carrying the College of Arts and Sciences gonfalon for the 2024 Washington State University commencement ceremonies in Pullman has been awarded to Lola Taylor, the college’s outstanding senior in the School of Environment.

Selection as a gonfalon bearer is a prestigious honor awarded to outstanding students who have had notable achievements throughout their academic careers. At the beginning of each WSU Pullman commencement ceremony, gonfalon bearers from all 11 colleges carry shield-shaped banners to the platform.

“I am surprised and humbled, as there are so many others in our college that are high-achieving and deserving of this award. I recognize what a big honor this is, and I’m very happy to represent the college,” said Taylor.

Taylor is a first-generation student from Seattle, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in earth and environmental sciences and a focus in wildlife ecology and conservation. A member of the WSU Honors College, she has been accepted into its highly competitive pre-admit veterinary medicine program and has already completed the first year of her veterinary medicine studies.

She also is an active member of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program that aims to increase involvement in STEM programs by underrepresented students.

For Taylor, her time at WSU has left positive indelible experiences: through making new friends, engaging in a variety of clubs, and generally, presenting academic and personal growth opportunities. She especially found value through connecting with Coug alumni, as it led to her first job in a veterinary setting that then opened the door for her to shadow at the Seattle Aquarium this summer; “a dream job,” said Taylor.

View all of the 2024 College of Arts and Science’s Outstanding Seniors.

By College of Arts and Sciences staff