McGuire honored for contributions to nutrition education

Shelley McGuireShelley McGuire, a professor in the School of Biological Sciences, has been selected to receive the 2018 “Excellence in Nutrition Education Award” from the American Society for Nutrition. She will receive the award, given for “outstanding contributions to teaching nutrition,” at the society’s flagship meeting in Boston this June.

For more than two decades, McGuire has taught introductory nutrition to classes of as many as 500 students. She has co-authored two college-level nutrition textbooks while researching maternal and infant nutrition, particularly during breastfeeding. She has looked at myriad nutrients and topics, including reproduction, mastitis, micronutrients, lipids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, hormones, and, most recently, microbes in human milk.

McGuire’s research was featured, most recently, in the Winter 2017 issue of Washington State Magazine in the article, A mother’s microbial gift.

By Eric Sorensen, WSU Insider