Two anthropology faculty join WSU

College of Arts and Sciences

Meet two of the college’s newest faculty, whose disciplinary expertise—from moral psychology to energetics of immunity, growth, and reproduction—enriches and expands the arts and sciences at WSU.



Aaron Blackwell

Aaron Blackwell.
Associate professor  Department of Anthropology

Research and teaching interests:Human life history evolution; ecological impacts on the development of human immune function; human growth patterns; effects of parasitic infections on immunity and growth; fertility, pregnancy, and reproduction; energetics of immunity, growth, and reproduction

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Associate professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

Education and training:
Postdoctoral scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara; PhD, MA, Biological Anthropology, University of Oregon; BA, Biochemistry, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR

Honors and achievements:

“Helminth infection, fecundity, and age of first pregnancy in women” in Science, 2015; “Immune Function in Amazonian Horticulturalists” in Annals of Human Biology, 2016; “Growth references for Tsimane forager‐horticulturalists of the Bolivian Amazon” in American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2017

Outside of work, I enjoy:
Hiking, camping, biking, surfing, travel, cooking, virtual reality, and brewing beer.

Anne Pisor

Anne Pisor.
Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology

Research and teaching interests:
Why relationships spanning distance became so important in the human lineage, and which social and ecological factors affect interest in between-group relationships today; integrating international development and evolutionary anthropology; market integration/globalization/urbanization and changes in health and behavior; moral psychology; collaborative field research with three populations of horticulturalists in the Bolivian Amazon

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Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Education and training:
PhD, MA, Anthropology; MA Applied Statistics, University of California Santa Barbara; BA, Anthropology and Psychology, UC Los Angeles

Honors and achievements:
New Investigator Award, Human Behavior & Evolution Society; recent publications in Scientific Reports, Psychological Science, Evolution & Human Behavior, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), and Proceedings of the Royal Society B; previously funded by the National Science Foundation and the Wenner-Gren Foundation

Outside of work, I enjoy:
Singing, running, biking, diving, and food.