CAS students, faculty recognized for campus contributions

coughead.Three College of Arts and Sciences undergraduates and one faculty member were honored at the 2019 Safety, Health and Security Fair for their contributions to campus safety, health and security.

President Kirk Schulz congratulated the award winners and discussed the value of security and safe practices on campus and in the community, emphasizing that safety is key to WSU’s success as a university.

The four CAS recipients are:


Morgan Atwood, ASWSU Global Senate President, is a passionate advocate for students and is particularly focused on mental health. She coordinated numerous student, career and family-oriented events and worked to expand mental health services WSU Global Campus offers to include an emphasis on wellness and self-care. She also worked with stakeholders to assemble a mental health lecture/webinar series that will take place this year. She is pursuing a degree in social sciences.


Emma Ballew is a junior majoring in psychology at WSU Tri‑Cities who finds time to serve as a university senator. In her role, Ballew advocated for the relocation of a campus transit stop, where students faculty and staff would previously stand in dirt along a busy roadway while waiting for the bus. An accessible bench and accompanying weather shelter will serve Cougs long after Ballew graduates.


David Makin, associate professor of criminal justice, collaborated with the City of Pullman Police Department to create the CCTV Public Safety Internship Program, allowing students to gain more than 12,000 hours of experience in law enforcement technology. Last academic year, Makin paired student teams from his Crime Prevention class with regional law enforcement and public safety and health agencies to research issues and provide solutions.

Grand Award for Health, Safety and Security

Riley Clark was recognized for her commitment to the health, safety and security of her fellow students. Last year, she served as the head of the ASWSU Health and Safety Committee, hosted committee meetings and tabled events that provided students with valuable resources. During Week of Welcome, she taught multiple “Booze, Sex and Reality Checks” workshops with freshmen to educate them on the dangers of unsafe alcohol use and sexual decision making.

Read about all of the award recipients at WSU Insider and watch a Murrow New 8 video story at