Graduate student

Seeking Balance in the Justice System

Home is where the research takes you. While pursuing an undergraduate degree in psychology, Safiya Hafiz’s interests veered toward criminology, criminal justice, and sociology. She wanted to help people on a larger scale and explore how social problems affected large groups, like those in the justice system. “I learned about social problems in sociology courses,” […]

Safiya Hafiz.

Growth mindset messages can close grade gap for first-generation students

Just two emails, at the right time with the right message, can make a big difference for students who are the first in their families to go to college.      A recent Washington State University study highlighted the power of an instructors’ growth mindset — the belief that abilities are not innate but can be […]

Over the Shoulder Footage of a Female Student Taking Down Notes in a Notebook, Sitting in College Auditorium on a Lecture. Young Woman with Short Hair Wearing Glasses and Studying in University

Bone defect research takes first at 3 Minute Thesis

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) 3 Minute Thesis qualifier competition took place on March 6, in which 10 PhD students challenged themselves to present a distilled thesis within three minutes and with only one slide as a visual aid. Under the pressure of time and conveying their research to a general audience and […]

2024 CAS 3MT Qualifer group shot.

Teachers’ growth mindset appears more important than warmth

Students tend to like friendly teachers, but they like those who believe they can improve even more, new research indicates. Students in a study still responded positively to instructors described as being cold but who also had a growth mindset, meaning they felt students’ ability in a subject could improve by working hard and trying […]

Back view of male professor with white hair and beard giving lecture to large group of college students in a classroom.

Top research coverage of 2023

Whisky, contraception, cannabis: many of the Washington State University studies that garnered the most attention from news media in 2023 seemed to involve human pleasures—and their consequences. That focus may say something about the global mood in the first post-pandemic year, but it also speaks to the real-world impact of WSU’s research enterprise. Three initiatives […]

Whisky being poured into a glass with ice on a wooden table. Two other glasses are in the background.

Tasmanian devil die‑off appears to be affecting genetics of fellow predator

Population declines in the Tasmanian devil, a top predator species, caused by a transmissible cancer, may be affecting the evolutionary genetics of a subordinate predator species, the spotted-tailed quoll, research published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution reports. Top predator declines are occurring globally and have cascading ecological effects, one of which is to reduce competition and […]

Close up of a quoll a rodent-like animal with brown fur and light spots on its coat

Pacific Northwest snowpack endangered by increasing heatwaves

Even in the precipitation-heavy Pacific Northwest, more frequent heatwaves are threatening a key source of water supply. A Washington State University study that intended to look at snow melting under a single, extreme event, the 2021 “heat dome,” instead revealed an alarming, longer-term rising trend of successive heatwaves melting snowpack earlier in the year.   […]

Snow melting and a partially snow-covered mountaintop in the distance.

WSU programs partner to get more students outside

WSU School of the Environment professor Alex Fremier believes there is no substitute for students immersing themselves in the environments they study. But figuring out how to get them to those environments, feed and shelter them, and keep them safe is outside his area of expertise. That’s why, when he takes his class on a […]

Students gathered on the shore of the Salmon River.

Cannabis users appear to be relying less on conventional sleep aids

Most people who reported using cannabis to get a good night’s rest in a recent study have quit using over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids all together. More than 80% of the 1,255 cannabis users surveyed for the Washington State University-led analysis reported no longer using over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids such as melatonin and benzodiazepines. […]

A woman lying in bed with hands on her face and a clock displaying 3:41 a.m.

Riverside Mural Project showcases talent and collaborative spirit

The latest in a series of mural projects showcasing the outstanding talent of local and regional artists, as well as the collaborative spirit of Washington State University, is being dedicated this week in downtown Pullman. A joint effort by the Pullman Arts Foundation — founded by WSU Associate Professor of Painting/Intermedia Joe Hedges — and […]

WSU students spread out on metal scaffolding painting a mural.