climate change

WSU research addresses climate change on multiple fronts

Here’s a question with a thousand answers: How do we create a livable future amid climate change? Such a big challenge demands an equally expansive approach to solutions. At Washington State University, more than 60 departments are active in climate-related research, work that in many cases has been under way for decades. It’s a priority […]

A wheat field with wind turbines at sunset.

Pacific Northwest snowpack endangered by increasing heatwaves

Even in the precipitation-heavy Pacific Northwest, more frequent heatwaves are threatening a key source of water supply. A Washington State University study that intended to look at snow melting under a single, extreme event, the 2021 “heat dome,” instead revealed an alarming, longer-term rising trend of successive heatwaves melting snowpack earlier in the year.   […]

Snow melting and a partially snow-covered mountaintop in the distance.

Climate change expected to decrease window for controlled burns

Rising temperatures will cut the number of days when conditions favor prescribed fires by 17% on average across the western U.S., mostly in spring and summer, according to a recent study. Prescribed fires are typically lit by trained firefighters to clear away excess plant matter to help prevent conditions that might otherwise turn a healthy […]

A woman in a yellow shirt and hard hat holding a drip torch and lighting low level vegetation on fire.

Scientists urge preparation for catastrophic climate change

With the unprecedented rapid pace of climate change, it is time to start seriously considering the worst-case scenarios warns Washington State University archaeologist Tim Kohler. Kohler is part of an international team of climate experts that argue that although unlikely, climate change catastrophes, including human

Launching WSU Climate Initiative teams

Eight Arts & Sciences faculty representing four distinct areas are members of the new interdisciplinary research teams formed during the 2022 Washington State University Climate Hackathon. During the two-day event last spring, participants defined the scope of climate change-related challenges, shared expertise in

Finding forests’ breaking point

How hot is too hot, and how dry is too dry, for the Earth’s forests? A new study from an international team of researchers, including Henry Adams, assistant professor in the WSU School of the Environment, found the answers by looking at decades of dying trees. “Widespread forest mortality is occurring worldwide,” said Adams, an […]

Increasing trend of concurrent wildfire air pollution and severe heat

Large wildfires and severe heat events are happening more often at the same time, worsening air pollution across the western United States, a study led by Washington State University researchers has found. In 2020, more than 68% of the western U.S.—representing about 43 million people—were affected in one day by the resulting harmful-levels of air […]

Climate change and glacial stream insects

An endangered aquatic insect that lives in icy streams fed by glaciers might not mind if the water grows warmer due to climate change. A study co-authored by WSU post-doctoral researcher Scott Hotaling found that mountain stoneflies can tolerate warmer water temperatures, at least temporarily. While the study goes against the prevailing theory that rising […]

Too hot for habitation: archeology and climate change

Areas of the planet home to one-third of humans will become as hot as the hottest parts of the Sahara within 50 years, unless greenhouse gas emissions fall, according to research by scientists from China, United States (at WSU) and Europe The rapid heating would mean that 3.5 billion people would live outside the climate […]

Climate change affects breeding birds

The breeding seasons of wild house finches are shifting due to climate change, a Washington State University researcher has found. The effect of climate change on the breeding season of birds has been documented before, but in a limited context. Heather Watts, an avian physiologist, reported her finding in Ibis, the International Journal of Avian […]