John Barber

Re-Imagined Radio: Sound-based storytelling for the digital age

Before riding off in search of the Oregon Territory, the rangers stood and joined the audience in one final chorus of the famous words from the mysterious masked man known as The Lone Ranger: “Hi-yo, Silver! Away!” Applause erupted for the 11 voice actors and Foley artists dressed for the Old West. The lights of […]

The new magic of old-time radio rings through Kiggins

Willamette Radio Workshop brings classic shows to Vancouver theatre Go to the movies — check out, for example, that re-re-re-re-re-reawakened Force — and the experience is all about opening your eyes wide. Even wider-than-wide: 3-D technology can pull you right into picture so you’re literally dodging and weaving spaceships and blasters, not to mention Han […]